
Sunday 19 November 2017

(New) Look of Love - K6471. A TNT in the Making.

Hello lovelies, The last few weeks have seen a bit of a transformation in the way in which I am feeling. Gone is the bad case of the blue meanies that has been hanging round for months only to be replaced with a reawakening urge to create. The fact that Sprogzilla has moved in with me for Sixth Form college is no coincidence, methinks (although you would think that since she is doing photography she would have jumped at the chance of taking some photos for the blog, but no. There was grumbling and a big huff. She did it though). 

The only downside recently has been that my back has been playing up again and I am really struggling with sitting or walking, making sewing very difficult. This top has been cut out and partly sewn for an age but it took me a few attempts to get the hem finally stitched (and even longer to get photos).

One of the things that I have realised is that I desperately need some new clothes that could work in my day job. Normally I would gravitate to the sort of sad 80's goth rock chick/boho-vibe garments that I love but needs must and a posh new(ish) job means that I have to up my office game. 

Whilst browsing in WHSmith to see if I could find a copy of Burda Style (not locally - boo) I chanced upon Sew magazine with New Look K6471 stuck to the front in a US 10-22. Normally I avoid these kind of magazines like the plague - the attached patterns are always in the smaller size ranges and they are just chock full of adverts and very little content that appeals to me. I don't think that this one is any better than the others but I did want the pattern as all four views fitted in with my work wear plans.

I did the usual pattern adjustments, adding 4" to the bodice length and a monster FBA. This top was originally dartless but I added in a bust dart. It had quite a lot of ease so I didn't add in as much of a FBA as normal, meaning that I didn't have to split the dart (I just altered another top pattern and rotated the darts into three as one was just way too big).

I picked up this fabric years ago when I moved back to Newcastle for work. It was on a roll outside one of the Asian fabric shops close to where I was living and was about £4 a metre. No idea of the fabric content maybe a viscose mix, but it has a lovely drape and doesn't crush. Absolutely no thought of pattern matching by me, plus I only had about 2m, but it has worked out really well and it is hard to see the join over the sleeves or at the back seam. I used the long hem from View D for the back and just pinned it up in the mirror to the most flattering length at the front. I used my french curves (another eBay purchase as I couldn't find my old ones) to draw a nice curve from front to back. The pic above has made me think that I might want to try a peplum.

Anyway I do love this top. I love the skimming fit and it feels very comfortable although looking at these photos I can see that it would probably look a bit better with a belt, that there is far too much fabric above my cartoon boobs and that the excess below gives me that "is she or isn't she?" maternity top vibe. The joy of having ridiculous fitting challenges. The length is great though and it hides my bingo-wings. Win-win.

If you follow the Sewcialists' blog then you will know that November is tried "n" true (TNT) sewing month. I didn't have a TNT pattern but think that this top fits the bill. I will definitely make this again, addressing the fitting challenges as I go. In fact I have another one cut out to make View A with the tie neckline but in the spirit of TNT's I have changed this to be a longer pussy-bow style because I like them. I have fabric for number 3 looked out and washed too.

So do you have a favourite sewing or knitting pattern that you keep going back to? Or a favourite style of garment? Are you taking part in the Sewcialists' TNT month? 

Have a lovely week. 
K xx


  1. I love this project! A very good proto-TNT, I think! And you are way to hard on yourself on the fit - I think it's exactly how this kind of loose blouse should fit. :) I"m happy that Sprogzilla is keeping you company and you mood is brightening!

    1. Thank you, Gillian! I like things baggy and this does do the job. It was a very easy sew, there are not many pieces, and I am really looking forward to making it again. It is nice having Sprogzilla here. She is a typical grumpy teen but it has broken my heart being away from her most of the time for the past few years but needs must and I always seem to have found jobs far from home. She is really enjoying being down here too. Xx

  2. I love your top and it looks great on you. It's a lovely patterned material. I think you've done a great job, was this the top you mentioned to me?
    I lived in Newcastle for a few years and moved south in stages!
    I hope your back gets better soon, it's miserable when you can't move around easily.
    How nice having your daughter to live with you, sprogzilla made me laugh! xxx

    1. Hello! It might have been but I do have a few on the go just now. I hate cutting and altering patterns so I have been doing a lot of it recently just to get it out of the way. Newcastle is great isn't it? I have lived there a couple of times on and off, in fact I have probably lived there the most in my life apart from my home town. Thank you. It is a bit better and I can walk about without hanging onto things again. She might be a typical teenager but Sprogzilla is great. We are both loving living down South. Xx

  3. Kelly you are looking lovely! I'm sorry to hear you have had the blue meanies but glad to hear you are feeling a bit more sunny...

    I love your top; it looks great on you. It is practical but the pattern is beautiful - it looks like glamorous beading all over. I have nothing but admiration for people who can create their own clothing but you may as well be talking Greek when you get all technical - although I do know what a dart is!

    Good news about Sprogzilla and sixth form college.


    1. Hi Veronica, Thank you so much. I am indeed and have definitely got my mojo back. It was a very easy sew, only 4 pieces, so an nice reintroduction to sewing again. I will definitely make more as it was really comfy for work. My only niggle is that the neck is a bit high. Sprogzilla is loving it and I really like the village. I could only dream about moving there though. :) Xx

  4. Thank you Piseth. I am glad that you find it useful. Xx

  5. You are looking fantastic! I love that top, the fabric is gorgeous and you should definitely go for a peplum next time - show off those curves!
    I'm so glad Sprogzilla is with you, that must make such a difference to everything.
    Your photos are great, I love the sunset in the last photo.
    Hope the back is healing. xxx

    1. Hi Vix, you are very kind. I do love the fabric. It was nice to sew and a simple pattern. I am going to make another couple of these first as I have all the fabric cut out or prepped up but I do fancy a peplum. Sprogzilla being here is great. We bicker all the time as we are so alike but we dote on each other really. She does take good photos doesn't she? I have my digital SLR and tripod here now so hopefully my pics will get better. The back is not too bad. I am functioning at least. :) Xx

    2. So glad you're not in as much pain.
      Everyone used to say that Mum & I were like Big Edie and Little Edie from Grey Gardens constantly bickering and more than likely to end our days living in squalor surrounded by cats! x

    3. Hahah! That is fabulous.I haven't seen that film but read an article about the Beales in Vogue years ago and always meant to. I live in squalor surrounded by cats (well when Mittens comes down) already. :) Xx

  6. I agree with other are looking so radient at the moment. I'm so happy that things are going better for you. The blues are not at all fun, nor is a bad back. And I can't even think about the day my kids are away from me...even if it's at least 10 years and by then I'll probably be peeling their fingers off the door frames as I ship them off to Uni!

    The top is glorious. I love the shape, but you could always slip a couple of ties into the side seams if you'd like a bit more shaping!

    Oh, and if you're ever in need of a copy of Burda, do shout. Our local Tesco stocks it as well as WHS. I'm happy to help xx

    1. Thanks Evie, That is so kind of you for everything. Thank you for the ties idea. I will definitely give that a go. I always feel better if things are loose over the front to hide my "Mum-tum" but could probably use a little shaping somewhere. I haven't tried to find Burda in Tesco yet but will do now. Sprogzilla has only about 18 months to go before she goes to Uni. I am bereft at the thought of being an empty nester in such a short amount of time. They grow up so quickly. I know it is a bit of a cliche but I really don't know where all the years have gone. The joys of parenting. :) Xx

  7. That's a lovely pattern. It really suits you. It's funny how much creativity can be tied to mood, and good to hear yours has returned.

    I know what you mean about photographers never wanting to take blog photos - I have to grovel at the Mr to get him to take any at all, then harangue him till he hands them over. It's easier to get used to the camera's self-timer.

    Monsoon has a lot this season that is calling to my goth heart...

    1. Hi Mim, Thank you. I do like it. I also agree that creativity is linked to mood. When I am a bit down I don't do anything, maybe impulse buy stuff, then become crippled with anxiety about why I haven't made anything with all that stuff (or blogged when everyone else is making garments if by machine). It's a bit of a vicious cycle. However, I am going to make the most of not being glum and do some stuff while I can. I am hoping that I can get Sprogzilla to take photos on a regular basis but it might not be worth all the moaning. :) I have't been in a Monsoon for years. I love their stuff so will check them out. Thanks for the recommendation. Xx

  8. I just love the casual way you say you 'added a bust dart' like it was the simplest thing in the world, and to you, it obviously is. To me, it's a foreign language, but I do love seeing what you are up to!
    Hope the back has improved...x

    1. Thanks Edwina. I never really think about it. Just cut stuff up and hope. I have been trying to perfect bust fitting and I am getting a bit better I think. It is like letting something out to make space then taking it in somewhere else because there is now too much room. It is hard thinking in 3D when you are sewing flat prices of fabric. I hope that you are well. My back is still sore but not much to do about it. Trying to live quietly and not lift too much. At least I can walk about now. :) Xx

  9. This is lovely! I can see why you like the pattern. This is a really great version I love the fabric,

    1. Hi LGS, thank you so much for your kind comment. It is fab. I have almost finished Version 2 in a different fabric and with long sleeves. I think with a couple of modifications that it will be a very handy pattern for work wear. It is a very quick sew. Xx
